Victoria Police Selection Panel Interview Overview

If you are watching this video then chances are you are preparing yourself for the final step in the Victoria Police application process which is the Selection Panel Interview. As passionate as we are about helping people prepare and pass the fitness test, the Selection Panel Interview is the most important step in the application process because to get to this step means you have already jumped through all the other hoops that are required of you and that you have already invested a lot of yourself to get to that position.

Fifty percent of your end score as a police applicant is coming from the selection panel interview and the other 50% comes from the initial exam at the start of the application process. The important part of the Selection Panel Interview is that you get face to face with Victoria Police and show them what kind of applicant you are. It’s also a perfect opportunity for the Victoria Police to get to know you.

The other thing that’s very important is that you only get one shot at it. Unlike some of the other steps in the application process where if you are not so good the first time around, they’ll invite you back to have another go. This does not happen in the Selection Panel Interview and no one wants to be to invited to start all over again next year.

At Prime Motion, we help clients get over the nerves of having to sit in front of the panel by offering a training program to prepare yourself fully for the Selection Panel Practice Interview. For more information, please watch this video and do let us know if you have any questions!

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