Are You A Police Applicant Who Has Lived Overseas?

Police Applicants Who Have Live Overseas Will Need To Obtain A Police Check

If you’re applying to become a police officer and you’ve lived overseas, you need to watch this video. Good day, I’m Russell from Prime Motion Training. If you have lived overseas, the police force or service that you’re applying for will want you to get a police check from that country. Now of course, first make sure you know exactly what the police force that you’re applying for is going to want, but they’re going to want some type of police check. So start that process really early. If you’ve lived overseas and you need to get a police check from that country, it will take time. It’ll be a lengthy process, so start early so you can get that document, whether it’s a police check or some other certificate, as quickly as you can so that it doesn’t slow down your police application.

As always, I hope you found that helpful, and I look forward to chatting with you again soon.

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