Victoria Police Medical Booklet
Hi, it’s Russell here, part of the Victoria Police application process involves applicants completing a medical booklet.
Some times, applicants who attended the Victoria Police Academy, and successfully complete the fitness test, are handed a medical booklet there and then which needs to be completed and returned within 28 days. Keep in mind that the written psychometric testing is also done at the fitness test.
On other occasions, applicants will not receive a medical booklet at the fitness test, instead the booklet will be posted out to applicants who have completed the fitness test successfully AND ‘passed’ the psychometric testing AND are NOT required to attend in person for a one on one interview with the police psychologist.
There are also occasions when applicants who ARE required to attend in person for a one on one interview with the police psychologist may be posted a medical booklet after ‘passing’ the psych interview.
The recruiting process does need to be flexible and does change from time to time. There can be many factors affecting issues like ‘when the medical booklet is given?’
Things such as:
- the number of applicants current at different stages of the process
- the number of psychologist available for interviewing
- the number of medical staff available to assess returned medical booklets
- where is the current bottleneck in the process and how can we manipulate steps to keep the momentum going?
- consideration of cost to the applicant
- paying for medical tests can be costly and the Recruiting Branch may be trying to avoid that cost for applicants who may not pass the psychological test and therefore would not require being medically cleared
Either way, if your application proceeds successfully you will need to medically clear at some stage. It makes sense, particularly if you have had some type of medical issue (like surgery) in the past, that you start collecting reports, letters and any other documents that you might need to provide with the medical booklet. This will help save you some time and we all know….sooner is better than later when it comes to your application to join Victoria Police progressing 😉