It knocked my confidence when I failed my psych interview. I took this course 12 months later and quickly knew where I went wrong. I didn’t make the same mistake the second time 😉
I had no idea what to expect the first time I sat my psych interview and I failed. I was determined to pass the second time. Taking the PMT pysch course showed me where I went wrong and helped me pass on my second attempt. I can’t thank you enought Russ!
It’s perfectly ok to be nervous about the psych testing – don’t stress! Let me explain.
There are two components used to assess a police applicant’s psychological suitability.
The psychometric testing can be thought of as a personality survey. It’s essentially a personality profiling method.
This is not a test that requires any learned or researched knowledge, however, it is an assessment that you can prepare for by accessing our specific resources to give you a head start on the types of questions you’ll find in the assessment.
The psychological interview is a different assessment altogether!
Unfortunately, failing the psychological interview is a regular occurrence for police applicants. However, I truly believe that it’s not that an applicant is unsuitable for the role, it comes down to your ability to demonstrate the right qualities in the right way. In other words, it’s not what you know it’s what you can prove!
On several occasions we’ve been able to help applicants, who had previously failed a psychological interview, to reapply and pass the interview the second time. If you’re worried about your police psychological interview, it might be because you don’t know what you don’t know.
Don’t risk it, invest the time and effort and take this training to give yourself the best chance of passing your psych interview!
Let’s take a look at how we can help you with this stage of the application process.
I think it’s fair to say we can help police applicants achieve their dream of becoming a police officer. After all, for the last 17 years more than 6,000 applicants have taken our training, and, more than 90% of them are now police officers! How’s that for a success rate?!
Our founder, Russell Kempster, spent 14 years as a police officer in Victoria, with 4 years of that time as an instructor at the police academy. To say helping police applicants is our passion would be an understatement!
Our training is tailored specifically to meet the requirements of your police application. You can expect very detailed and comprehensive training, delivered online, via video tutorial lessons and custom software applications.
Access to the training is unlimited. You can take lessons at your own pace, when and where it suits you, and you can take the lessons, and use the applications, as many times as you like.
We’re here to help keep you moving should you have any technical support questions. We also offer a paid premium coaching support option should you want to receive personalised advice and guidance, over and above the online training, during your application journey.
When you take our online training you’ll also be invited to join our community of police applicants, from around the country, working towards the same goal – achieving their dream of becoming a police officer.
Let’s take a closer look at the training to help you with this stage of your Victoria Police application.
In our psychological interview preparatory course, I’m going to take you through a thorough process to ensure you fully understand how applicants are assessed, how emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in the assessment, and I’ll teach you how to provide evidence of your suitability to make it easy for the psychologist to tick the boxes.
Not passing the psychological interview is, unfortunately, a regular occurrence for police applicants. It comes down to your ability to demonstrate the right qualities in the right way. In other words, it’s not what you know it’s what you can prove!
This exact course has help applicants, who had previously failed a psychological interview, to reapply and pass the interview the second time.
If you’re worried about your police psychological interview, it might be because you don’t know what you don’t know. Don’t risk it, invest the time and effort and take this course to give yourself the best chance of passing your psych interview!
When run coaching webinars for our customers, that focus on interview preparation, we record the sessions. The recordings are then added to our Interview webinars folder.
Russell is passionate about helping people to achieve their dream of becoming a police officer. He was a police officer for 14 years and spent 4 years as an instructor at the Victoria Police Academy where he was involved in applicant testing, training new recruits and delivering refresher and advanced courses to experienced police officers in subjects ranging in everything from fitness to firearms.
Since 2006 Russell has been helping police applicants to achieve their dream and would be an asset to anyone taking their police application preparation seriously.
If you’re truly serious about a career in policing, taking this program could be the best thing you do to help you achieve your dream of becoming a police officer.
Russ! I was looking back on my journey and realised I could not have done any of it without your help. I graduated on Friday, along side 5 others that were all involved in your program! Your program is one of a kind. Thank you for all of your support.
With Russell and Prime Motion, you can’t fail! There is detailed instructions and training for every step of the journey. I can’t thank him enough for all the support. If you want to be a police officer, you NEED Prime Motion Training.
Don’t be mistaken in thinking that only police applicants with mental health history fail the psychological interview. Unfortunately, plenty of applicants are left confused when they learn that what seemed like a positive interview experience actually resulted in a 12 to 24-months wait to start over.
I’ll say it again, you don’t know what you don’t know! It’s not what you know it’s what you can prove.
I’ll help you with both in this course.
If you’d like help with 1 stage of your application, the 1 Month or 3 Months prepay option might be the best fit for you. However, if you’re early in your journey and would like help with multiple testing stages, the 6 or 12 month prepay options are significantly discounted.
That’s entirely your choice! You could:
Yep, just select the one-month pricing option, then submit the cancel membership form at least 24 hours before the next payment is due and you’re done.
As a member, you’ll have access to everything, the cost is determined by how long you stay on as a member, not by the courses you access.
We have courses that are specifically tailored on a state by state basis. As a member you’ll get access to all the training courses for all the states/territories, so regardless of which state you are applying for we’ve got you covered!
No. However, you can cancel it at any time.
When you cancel your membership you will continue to have full access until the end of the paid period.
Good question! It really comes down to your application time frame and how much help you’d like. If you’re early in the application process we suggest considering the 6 or 12-month pricing option. If you’re already well into the journey, the one or 3-month pricing option might be more suitable.
We do not offer refunds, so please be sure the program is right for you before making a commitment. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!
We’ll do everything in our power to help and support you to succeed. The membership is a self-paced program, if you need personalised private coaching with Russ, or you’d like your work to be individually critiqued on a one-off basis, there are paid options available.
Not necessarily. When you’re on the monthly payments, they’re processed every 30 days. The actual date is shown on your previous payment receipt.
In life? Nope, however, Russ has been passionately helping police applicants for more than 17 years. Over 6,000 applicants have come through our program, 90% of them are now police officers. In the unlikely event you take our course and don’t pass that stage of the application, we will give you free access to that course again for 30 days when you reapply.