Free Beep Test guide

3 Tips to Instantly Boost your Beep Test Score

Created by former academy instructor Russell Kempster with actionable tips.

What's inside your Beep Test Guide

Running Technique

Whilst the Beep Test is not a marathon, poor, or inefficient, running technique can waste energy and tire you out quickly.

Foot Placement

A common fault is for Beep Test participants to ‘lunge’ for the 20 meter end lines, especially when the levels increase.


Incorrect timing could have the single biggest negative impact on your Beep Test score and cost you an entire level.

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Russell Kempster

Founder of Prime Motion Training & Former Police Academy Instructor

Russell is passionate about helping people to achieve their dream of becoming a police officer. He was a police officer himself for 14 years and spent 4 years as an instructor at the Victoria Police Academy where he was involved in applicant testing, training new recruits and delivering refresher and advanced courses to experienced police officers in subjects ranging in everything from fitness to firearms.

Since 2006 Russell has been helping police applicants to achieve their dream and would be an asset to anyone taking their police application preparation seriously.

If you’re truly serious about a career in policing, becoming a member and taking this program could be the best thing you do!

Years Experinece
6 K+
Success Rate
90 %+

What others are saying about this guide:

Thanks for the great guide Russ, I was able to instantly get an extra level to my score by following the timing tip!
Hey Russ, your lunging tip was gold and helped me pass police fitness test, a big thanks from me and my legs 🙂
I didn't realise how much technique could make such a difference to my beep test score. Thanks for such a great resource.
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